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Basic - pet/creature surrounded by foliage. (foliage linework is the same with every commission, though the colour may be changed.

$65 CAD

+$5CAD to add item or nametag in middle

-limit of one subject

Wreath - a custom decorative wreath around your pet/creature

$100 CAD

-limit of one subject

Full body illustrations

Base price

$180 - $240 CAD

*price varies by the level of complexity and detail in the piece 

basic grass + small elements ($180), bushes, full foliage and intricate details ($240)


-limit of three pets/creatures

+$95 CAD per additional animal (small creatures like bugs, snails, and small birds are free)

Partial Scene Illustrations

Base price

$290 - $340 CAD

*price varies by the level of complexity and detail in the piece

-limit of three pets/creatures

+$95 CAD per additional animal (small creatures like bugs, snails, and small birds are free)

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